About Us

Don Bosco National Forum
for the Young at Risk

Don Bosco National Forum for the Young at Risk, also known as DB YaR Forum, is the all-India network of Don Bosco institutions and organizations committed to the safety, growth, development and rights of at-risk, vulnerable, marginalized children and young adults.

Currently the network has 80+ member institutions and organizations from across 20 states and union territories of India. Each of these institutions and their several sub-centres reach out to at-risk young persons through a variety of services and interventions.

We reach out to the Young at Risk though presences on streets, in market places, in railway and bus stations, in “slums”. We engage in rescue and emergency assistance to children in difficult circumstances. We run a variety of child care institutions, including drop-in centres; open shelters and reception units; children’s homes. We offer counselling, rehabilitation and social reintegration, vocational guidance, skill development and placement services. We run bridge courses, coaching classes and drop-out prevention centres. We offer young people opportunities for holistic and integral education adapted to individual requirements. From the first contacts, our multi-skilled and dedicated teams accompany young persons, enabling and empowering them to stand on their own feet and take their place in society.

Several groups and movements like peer leader units, youth for youth groups, alumni groups, child parliaments, child rights clubs, eco clubs, caring community groups and child safety nets are promoted and facilitated within the institutions as well as in the communities, in the endeavour to create for marginalized children a caring ambience that enables them to cope with their negative experiences and step forward into the sunshine of hope and opportunity.

The key tasks we have set for ourselves are:

to energize Salesian Young at Risk ministry, and motivate individuals, communities and like-minded groups, to involve in settings where young persons are at risk,

to advocate for appropriate social and legal systems and to work towards effective safeguards to prevent neglect, exploitation and denial of rights of children and young persons,

to accompany the Young at Risk, to provide for them care and protection, conducive spaces to live, work together and develop, and environments of rights, participation and dignity.

Our Vision

Inspired by Don Bosco, our vision is of a world where every child and every young person lives, and grows towards “fullness of life” in secure, enabling environments.

Our Mission

Our mission is to inspire and lead Don Bosco personnel and their collaborators to respond with courage, creativity and commitment to the needs of the Young at Risk and to advocate and collaborate with individuals, civil society organizations and governments to ensure for the Young at Risk caring, enabling environments and opportunities for growth, and development.